Walking the edge…

Lately, I’ve read and watched stories from more than one photographer saying that they were on the edge of giving it up for good…
Giving up what for good? Photography! All of these incredible artists, so passionate about what they’re creating, but on the edge of complete burnout and finding it’s time to call it. I’m sure they each have their own collection of reasons, but in the end, saying that it’s hard to put in so much work and get so little from it.

It makes sense, in a market that is completely saturated, it’s hard to spend all that time creating and trying to stand out, if you feel like you aren’t getting what you need in return.
Photography is a lot of work, there’s a lot more to it than just “taking a picture” — which I’ve heard from more than one person might I add. “Photography’s not hard, you’re just pressing a button’…
There’s the expensive equipment, time spent continually educating yourself, finding your style, mountains of editing, being out amongst it at odd times of the day which in turn means less time with loved ones, advertising, coming up with and writing captivating social media blurbs, seeing an image in your mind — then following through to creation, accounting, packing, and on, and on, there’s a lot. I’m not saying that these things only apply to photography, but wanted to give a hint of everything that happens behind the scenes, once the shutter has ‘clicked’.

--- At no point have I thought about giving it up, in fact, I’m looking for ways where I can delve even deeper, as I truly feel that my purpose in life is photography. Creating images that celebrate our incredible planet. But I can understand how people would get to the point where they’ve had enough.

We had two and a half years of quiet, being able to contemplate all of these incredible photographs and how to make them happen, then it’s like the switch flicked, and suddenly we were expected to be ‘on’, create, create, create.

So, to anyone experiencing burnout, or feeling like you might be on your way there, I see you and I am so sorry that you’re experiencing these feelings.
But I hope you know, the world needs what you are creating! We need you to share what you’re doing, what you’re dreaming up, and what you feel that you want to share.

Maybe put that camera aside, or whatever your chosen medium is, put it out of sight, give it a month, and see where that gets you…
When you feel ready to return, we’ll be waiting!


Finding my way…


When we need a little rest…