When we need a little rest…

Isn’t it funny how our motivation can ebb and flow in such drastic ways?
Here I am sitting down to write my second blog post in a month, after nearly seven without one…

My partner and I will soon be moving, then Lou goes in for knee reconstruction surgery, so it’s actually a very hectic time around here, and yet I find my mind wanting to write. If I stop to think about it, maybe that’s exactly why my mind is feeling inspired. The thought of a change in scenery is allowing for more creativity… Or perhaps the time in Canada has lit a fire that has allowed those creativity doors to open up a crack. Whatever it is, I’m happy it’s happening.

Do you find yourself inspired lately? Or maybe the opposite, perhaps you’re just heading into a little hibernation.
Whatever direction you find yourself going, I think it’s completely normal. I currently find myself just coming out of a little hibernation.

I was chatting with my editor the other day [that’s my Mum], and I expressed that I needed to get better at keeping up with these things because I had gone so long without a blog post. She said that she thought rest was necessary and to not stress, I’d make up for it when I felt inspired to do so again. Upon reflection, it dawned on me that we live in a society that expects us to always be ‘on’, to be hustling, to constantly be accomplishing more, climbing the latter. Whatever it is, it’s ingrained into our society to be switched on and going at all times --- and all this is expected without any consideration for the fact that our bodies, minds, and creative energy needs time to rest.

Well, I’m no longer buying into it.
We as humans need time to rest, to step back and reflect on what we want moving forward.
To give time for our creativity to reset and refocus.

Then, when we feel like we have more to give, we get on with it, and be able to give the best version of ourselves at that time.


Walking the edge…


Exactly what I needed...