These are crazy times…

I’m not sure what life looks like for you right now, but I don’t think I could have ever predicted that this is where we would be. I am doing my best to try and document these times, to write, take pictures and make notes of what these days have been like to one day look back on.

For a quick run of what’s happening in this neck of the woods - Lou lost all work over five weeks ago. I am beyond grateful to still be working full time from home; I’ve only made one trip into the city to meet with the team... It was surreal. We use Lady Marmalade (one of our cars) once a week to go to the supermarket and then home again. Our downtime is spent playing games, creating (Lou’s been drawing and painting, I’ve been painting, sewing and making cards), exercising and so much time in the kitchen. Which really means that any effort made working out is completely void. Worth. It. Video chats have replaced seeing our friends in person, and chats with home have become even more regular.

All things considered, things for us are going well, which is a privilege to say when the state of the world is as scary as it is.

The days pass by relatively quickly. And while I am missing family, friends and the chance to escape into nature it is a small sacrifice. Mother Nature is getting a break while we get the opportunity to slow down. To breathe. To reassess what’s important in life and to give thanks to the safety of our loved ones.

Is there something that you’re missing more than others at the minute?

Are you taking this time to slow down?

No matter what you have going on, I hope you are well, that you and your family are safe and that mentally you are making it through this. It’s an unbelievable state, personally I am trying to savour this quiet time, while letting myself experience all emotions that come up. Some days its easier said than done…

Remember, we are in this together. Some of us are better off than others but we can all be there to support each other, to be a listening ear, to lend a helping hand and support each other however we can.

If I can help you in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out…


Worldwide Reflections


Choosing Kind