Worldwide Reflections

It’s been a while since I shared here.

I suppose more than anything, I needed some quiet.

Time to reflect, absorb, read, learn…

It seems that we’re in the middle of a transformation. A worldwide transformation. If nothing else, 2020 is a year that’s forcing us to take a look in the mirror, to ask ourselves a lot of hard questions and to make the changes that will help the greater good. This is bigger than any of us.

And if I am being perfectly honest, I’m finding it hard to get my thoughts out of my brain and make sense of them. My journalling has become random ramblings (really, not even I can make sense of them).

As a white woman, I’ve been thinking about my privilege and how I can use it to become an ally.
How I can use my voice against the injustices in this world.
How I spend my dollar, where I spend it, who it supports? And beyond that who it benefits?
The accounts I follow and what they’re putting forth at this time.

There’s a lot of bullshit that needs to be cut. And a lot of big, important questions that need to be asked.

Are you doing the same? I would love to hear your thoughts and what you’re doing to take your next step…


Our role as conscious consumers…


These are crazy times…