Am I making an impact?

A big question… And plenty to ponder over.

The other day I got thinking, I post a photo or share a story nearly every day on Instagram, along with that comes a few lines or sometimes a few paragraphs. Just thoughts, musings about what was happening in that picture, or what’s happening in my life at the moment. So, I got to wondering - is anyone reading what I write? And further to that, does anyone care? Am I making an impact?

I was surprised by the results, plenty of people ‘liked’ my photo, a few commented back to say that they always read what I write and a few sent me personal messages starting more of a conversation. I sat with the ‘results’ for a little while, mulling over what it might mean. What I came up with, isn’t it worth sharing what you have to say, even if you’re affecting only a small number of people? Shouldn’t that be enough? You’re still making an impact, maybe even making a difference in someone else’s life, and that’s incredibly powerful.

So I suppose I came here to share, don’t ever feel like what you have to say isn’t important. It’s very likely that what you have to express will help more people than you know.

And it deserves to be heard.


Choosing Kind


Taking the leap…