Taking the leap…


I started designing this website three months ago. I had this moment where I thought - I keep talking about it, why am I holding back? When I deduced that it was fear that was keeping me from pursuing this passion, it was time to nip that in the bud and go for it! Then I lost a little confidence, I started to wonder if I was good enough and would anyone be interested in what I have to offer. Fear… My goodness can it mess with your mind.

I yo-yo’ed over the last couple of months. “Oh the market is so saturated". “What happens if I fail?” “What if I can’t find the balance between pursuing this and keeping up with everything else going on in my life?”

But, I’d come back to the site and tinker with this or that, and it made me feel really, really happy.

In the end, that happiness took over, I did a lot of reflection and realised that I have a story to tell, it may not be to everyone’s tastes and that’s OK. For those of you who want to come here, to read what I have to say, to enjoy my creations or to support my journey, I am deeply, deeply grateful for your support.

The things is, there are always going to be things in life that scare us, the question is are we willing to take the leap?


Am I making an impact?