2021, let’s wrap this up!

Can you believe we’re already saying goodbye to another year?

It has been another intense one, people continue to get sick, we witnessed some very scary weather, experienced more lockdowns, and plenty of change. For me? This past year has given me a reinforced determination to be a positive spokesperson for our planet, to continue to put myself out there, and I can genuinely say that I am grateful for these past 12 months. Of course the lockdowns were hard [to be honest, lockdown 6.0 won me over for a little bit], and I still wasn’t able to get my butt home to Canada --- which has left me even more homesick than ever, but I would still say we’re lucky enough to say there have been more positives, than negatives in this house.

We squeezed in a couple of road trips when we could, enjoyed the bliss of calm evenings spent with friends, the simplicity of a bike ride down to the local shops… My partner started this year off with a new career path as a firefighter. Then of course there’s the business…

This small business celebrated a whole year of being out in the world, in fact, at this point we’re creeping closer to two years! But that’s another 365 days of creating images of our magical planet, writing blog posts and speaking up on topics that important to me, researching how to be even better to ensure that this business remains considerate of our environment. I have listened, learned and grown more than I could have imagined I would in such a short period.

I continue to learn, so much, about photography --- especially in the realm of wildlife photography, it seems the learning curve is endless when working with nature itself. I picked up a 35mm film camera for the first time in years [which has taken me right back to the basics]. Of course there’s the non-photography side of things, such as running this website, writing endless social media captions, finding a framer who uses ethical materials and aligns with my values, designing new packing materials, and continuing to learn more around the process of developing fine-art prints.

I am endlessly grateful for this incredible and humbling experience. I can say without hesitation, that it has been one of the best things I have done in my life [so far]. I cannot wait to see how it continues to grow and where we’ll be in another years time!

A huge part of that is in thanks to you all! Thank you for supporting me on this journey, for reading my words, for offering words of your own, for sharing, for purchasing. I am beyond grateful, each and every day. I am incredibly grateful to get to be a part of this community, and I am over the moon that this is what I get to do. You are literally helping me to live my dream!

Where will I be in another year? I suppose we’ll have to wait and find out --- but I hope it includes more passion, more stories, sharing, and openness, bringing more awareness to our planet and it’s beings.

This story has only just begun… 🌿

I hope you enjoy this little photo dump, there is no rhyme or reason --- I simply enjoyed looking back on these in my search for shares.


Exactly what I needed...


A conversation about our forests…